Problems To Accompany Organic Chemistry, 2nd Ed...
You may have heard that O Chem is a bear. It has taken me a longtime to admit it, but I must confess, it is indeed a tough course.Why? There are several reasons. First, the content of the subject ismassive. Even though this course focuses on how chemists know whatthey know, it is impossible to gain that focus without committing alarge amount of information to memory. Second, I often tell studentsthat learning organic chemistry is like taking Japanese history....inJapanese; not only do you have to learn the content of the course,you also have to learn the language. Organic chemists don't speakEnglish. They speak Ochemese. Their vocabulary is filled with wordslike nucleophiles, electrophiles, acylation, alkylation, pericyclic,anti-periplanar, enantiomers, and diastereomers. Such strange wordsare foreign to most students and they don't sink in the first timeyou encounter them. Or the second time. Only repeated exposure to theterminology of organic chemistry will enable you to learn the contentof the discipline. It's like learning to play basketball: you developthe necessary skills by repeated practice. You can't become a goodball player, or a good student of organic chemistry, by talking aboutit. You have to do it. Then you have to do it again, and again.That's the way it is.
If Organic Chemistry requires more effort than other courses, italso offers a greater return on your investment. According to theSwiss psychologist Jean Piaget, the two most advanced levels ofintellectual development are the concrete operational and the formaloperational stages. In chemistry, an individual who is performing atthe concrete operational level is able to solve problems similar toexamples that have been discussed in class or assigned as homework.They are not, however, able to use their knowledge in an abstractway. A person who has progressed to the formal operational stage canapply their knowledge to problems they have not encountered before.They can think in abstract terms and solve theoretical problems. Anindividual advances from the concrete operational to the formaloperational stage by practice. This is where Organic Chemistry canoffer you a greater return on your investment: if you practiceenough, you can become formal operational in this discipline. Youwill be able to solve problems no one else has solved. You will beable to think independently. Nothing is more satisfying than thesense of personal achievement that attends reaching this level ofeducational sophistication. In pragmatic terms, if you become formaloperational in this course, you will get an A. If you become concreteoperational, you will earn a C. Which brings me to
CHM 252 - Organic Chemistry I (4 hours) Gen. Ed. Systematic treatment of the structure, preparation, and properties of organic compounds, including the fundamental principles of stereochemistry, reaction mechanisms, and spectroscopic methods of analysis. Prerequisite: C or better in CHM 116 and CHM 117
CHM 253 - Organic Chemistry Laboratory I (1 hour) Gen. Ed. Laboratory to accompany CHM 252 emphasizing the synthesis, purification, and identification of organic compounds. Prerequisite: concurrent enrollment in CHM 252.
CHM 436 - Inorganic Chemistry (3 hours) Gen. Ed. Theoretical and descriptive inorganic chemistry, including atomic structure, molecular structure, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and catalysis. Cross listed with CHM 536. Prerequisite: C or better in CHM 114 or concurrent enrollment; C or better in CHM 256.
CHM 536 - Inorganic Chemistry (3 hours) Gen. Ed. Theoretical and descriptive inorganic chemistry, including atomic structure, molecular structure, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and catalysis. Cross listed with CHM 436. For cross-listed undergraduate/graduate courses, the graduate-level course will have additional academic requirements beyond those of the undergraduate course. Prerequisite: C or better in CHM 114 or concurrent enrollment; C or better in CHM 256.
CHM 552 - Advanced Organic Chemistry (3 hours) Gen. Ed. Topics include principles of physical organic chemistry, organometallic chemistry, and stereo- and regiochemical control in organic synthesis. Prerequisite: CHM 256 and CHM 257.
For teaching minor requirements, see the Teacher Preparation in Chemistry section above. Courses back to top U = for undergraduate credit only, UG = for undergraduate or graduate credit, G = for graduate credit. R after the credit indicates the course may be repeated for credit to the maximum indicated after the R. U 101N Chemistry for the Consumer 3 cr. Offered spring. An introduction to chemistry that emphasizes the influence of chemistry on one's everyday life. Common household products, such as soap, aspirin, toothpaste, face cream and fertilizers are prepared in the lab. U 104 Preparation for Chemistry 3 cr. Offered autumn. An introduction to chemistry for those who believe they have an inadequate background to enroll in CHEM 151N or 161N. Not appropriate toward chemistry requirement in any major. U 151N General and Inorganic Chemistry 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. First semester of an introduction to general, inorganic, organic and biological chemistry. U 152N Organic and Biological Chemistry 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., "C" or equiv. in CHEM 151N or consent of instr. Second semester of an introduction to general, inorganic, organic and biological chemistry. U 154N Organic and Biological Chemistry Laboratory 2 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq. or coreq., CHEM 152N. Laboratory to accompany CHEM 152N. U 161N College Chemistry 5 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., high school algebra. For science majors and other students intending to take more than one year of chemistry. Properties of elements, inorganic compounds, liquid solutions, chemical equilibria and chemical kinetics. Includes laboratory. U 162N College Chemistry 5 cr. Offered spring and summer. Prereq., "C" or better in CHEM 161N or consent of instr. A continuation of CHEM 161N. Includes Laboratory. U 195 Special Topics Variable cr. (R 6) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one time offerings of current topics. U 221 Organic Chemistry 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., CHEM 152N or 162N. The chemical and physical properties of organic compounds. U 222 Organic Chemistry 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CHEM 221. Continuation of 221. U 223 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2 cr. Offered autumn. Coreq., CHEM 221; prereq., one semester of 100 level laboratory. Microscale techniques are emphasized. U 224 Organic Chemistry Laboratory 2 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CHEM 223; prereq. or coreq., CHEM 222. U 264 Organic Chemistry Laboratory for Chemistry Majors 2 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CHEM 223; coreq., CHEM 222. Second semester of organic chemistry laboratory for chemistry majors only. Incorporates larger-scale techniques and instrumental organic analysis. U 295 Special Topics 1-6 cr. (R-6) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one-time offerings of current topics. U 297 Special Problems and Honors Research Variable cr. (R 10) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., one semester of chemistry and consent of instr. Laboratory investigations and research in the laboratory of a faculty member. U 334 Chemistry Literature and Scientific Writing 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CHEM 222 and chemistry major. Presentation and discussion of current literature in chemistry. Use of library and search tools. Workshop for developing and improving skills in scientific writing and evaluation. Use of on-line data bases and the interface of these with PC-based word processing and scientific graphics programs. U 341 Quantitative Analysis and Instrumental Methods 4 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., one year of college chemistry, including laboratory. Classroom and laboratory work in gravimetric, volumetric, colorimetric and electrochemical methods of analysis; theory of errors; ionic equilibria in aqueous solutions. UG 342 Instrumental Analysis and Physical Measurement 4 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CHEM 341 and 371. Theory and use of instrumental methods in the study of analytical and physical chemistry. UG 370 Applied Physical Chemistry 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., CHEM 152 or 162 and MATH 150. Basic thermodynamics and chemical kinetics with applications in the biological and environmental sciences. Credit not allowed for both 370 and 371. UG 371 Physical Chemistry I 4 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., CHEM 162, MATH 251, PHYS 122 or 221, and CS 101. Systematic treatment of the laws and theories relating to chemical phenomena. Credit not allowed for both CHEM 370 and 371. UG 372 Physical Chemistry II 4 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CHEM 371. Systematic treatment of the laws and theories relating to chemical phenomena. U 380 Teaching Chemistry Using Peer-Led Team Learning 1 cr. Offered every term. Prereq., CHEM 161N-162N with B or better and consent of instr. Methods of peer-led team learning as applied to general chemistry instruction. Review of concepts from general chemistry. Student leaders mentor a team of general chemistry students in working toward constructing chemistry knowledge and developing problem-solving skills. U 395 Special Topics Variable cr. (R 9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one time offerings of current topics. U 398 Cooperative Education Experience Variable cr. (R 9) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of department. Extended classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Center for Work-Based Learning. U 441 Techniques of Glass Manipulation 1 cr. Offered spring. Fabrication and repair of laboratory glassware. Basic operations include cutting glass, bending, end seals, joining (same and different diameters), T-seals, bulbs, ring or inner seals, condensers. UG 452 Inorganic Chemistry 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., CHEM 222 and 371 or consent of instr. Theory and principles of inorganic chemistry and a systematic coverage of descriptive inorganic chemistry in the context of the Periodic Table. U 453 Descriptive Inorganic Chemistry 3 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CHEM 221 223, 371 372. A survey of the chemistry of the elements including transition metal reaction mechanisms, redox chemistry, organometallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry. UG 455 Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory 2 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CHEM 224 and 371 and consent of instr. Preparation of inorganic and coordination compounds. Isolation and characterization by ion exchange, column chromatography, IR, UV VIS, derivatives, MP, and BP. UG 463 Advanced Organic Chemistry 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq.,one year of organic chemistry or consent of instr. Fundamentals of modern organic chemistry featuring reactions not generally covered in introductory courses. Emphasis on both synthetic utility and reaction mechanism. UG 465 Organic Spectroscopy 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 370 or 371 and one year of organic chemistry or consent of instr. Theory and interpretation of the NMR, IR, UV, and mass spectra of organic compounds with the goal of structure identification. U 466 FT NMR Operation for Undergraduate Research 1 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 221 223; research project using NMR; consent of instr. Operation of the FT NMR spectrometer and brief background of NMR spectroscopy. UG 485 Laboratory Safety 1 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., one year of college chemistry. Awareness of and methods of control of hazards encountered in laboratory work. Awareness of legal constraints on work with chemicals. Sources of information regarding chemical hazards. U 494 Undergraduate Chemistry Seminar 1 cr. (R-2) Offered spring. Prereq., junior or senior standing in chemistry. Required for all chemistry majors. Outside speakers and senior chemistry majors will present seminars on their research or a suitable literature topic. UG 495 Special Topics Variable cr. (R 9) Offered intermittently. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses or one time offerings of current topics. UG 497 Special Problems and Honors Research Variable cr. (R 9) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. Laboratory investigations and research in the laboratory of a faculty member. U 499 Senior Thesis 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., CHEM 497 or consent of instr. and senior standing. Students complete and report on undergraduate research initiated as CHEM 497 or equivalent research experience. Reports are both oral and written. G 501 Teaching University Chemistry 1 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Preparation for teaching chemistry at the college level. A survey of teaching fundamentals and educational psychology as applied to chemistry instruction. G 502 Theories of Learning in Chemical Education 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 501 with C or better. Survey of psychological theories of learning commonly applied in chemical education research, both historically and in the current literature. Includes constructivism, information processing and other theory bases. G 503 Research Literature in Chemical Education 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 502 with C or better. Survey of the research literature in which the results of chemical education studies are commonly published. Includes search methods, familiarity with major journals, interpretation and critical analysis of papers, and a literature review. G 504 Research Methods in Chemical Education 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 503 with C or better. Preparation for conducting research in chemical education. Survey of research methodologies and experimental designs, Analysis of current award-winning publications. G 541 Environmental Chemistry 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 370 or 371. Chemical principles and reactions in natural systems: Fate of chemical contaminants in the environment; partitioning of contaminants between phases (air/water/soil); chemistry of atmospheric pollutants; computer modeling of equilibrium and kinetic processes; degradation and transformation of organic contaminants. G 542 Physical Chemistry of Natural Waters 3 cr. Offered autumn odd-numbered years. Prereq., B.S. or equiv. In chemistry and consent of instr. Application of physical chemistry principles for understanding and modeling chemical processes in natural waters. Focus on calculations to describe the equilibrium composition of freshwater and marine environments. G 544 Applied Spectroscopy 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 342 or consent of instr. The function and application of optical (ultraviolet to infrared) chemical instrumentation. Specific topics include optics, light sources, detectors and a wide variety of spectrochemical methods with an emphasis on methods not typically covered in undergraduate instrumental analysis courses. G 553 Inorganic Chemistry and Current Literature 4 cr. Offered spring. Prereq., CHEM 452. A survey of the elements including transition metal reaction mechanisms, redox chemistry, organomatallic chemistry, bioinorganic chemistry. Oral and written presentations on primary literature. G 561 Bioorganic Chemistry of Antibiotic and Natural Product Biosynthesis 3 cr. Offered spring odd-numbered years. Prereq., one year of organic chemistry; preferred prereq. or coreq., biochemistry. Comprehensive study of the bioorganic chemistry of antibiotic and natural product production in bacteria, plants, and higher animals, focusing on polyketide, shikimate, alkaloid, terpene, and nitrogen-containing/non-alkaloid compounds. Natural product diversity, drug screening and dereplication, combinatorial biochemistry, and pathway manipulation to produce "non-natural" natural products. G 562 Organic Structure and Mechanism 3 cr. Offered spring even-numbered years. Prereq., one year of organic chemistry. Topics may include: stereochemistry, conformational analysis, aromaticity, transition sate theory, isotope effects, solvent effects, substitution and elimination reactions, and mechanisms that involve carbocations, carbanions, radicals and carbenes as reactive intermediates. G 563 Organic Synthesis 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 221, 222. Theoretical treatise of the common methods used in organic synthesis including: oxidation, reduction, organometallics, C-C bond forming reacions, synthetic strategies and total synthesis. G 564 Organic Reactions 3 cr. Offered spring odd-numbered years. Prereq., one year of organic chemistry. Reactions such as alkylation of nucleophilic carbons, reactions of carbon nucleophiles with carbonyl groups, functional group interconversions by nucleophilic substitution reactions, electrophilic additions to carbon-carbon multiple bonds, and select oxidations/reductions. G 566 FT NMR Operation for Graduate Researchers 1 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 221 223; research project using NMR; consent of instr. Operation of the FT NMR spectrometer and brief background of NMR spectroscopy. G 568 Organometallic Chemistry 3 cr. Offered intermittently in autumn. Prereq., CHEM 221, 222, 452, 453. Survey of the reactivity and structure of main group and transition metal organometallic compounds with an emphasis on applications to organic synthesis and catalysis. G 569 Medicinal Chemistry 3 cr. Offered intermittently. Prereq., CHEM 221, 22; BIOC 380 or equiv. Same as PHAR 621. Introduction to the historical and contemporary discoveries in medicinal chemistry. G 573 Advanced Physical Chemistry 3 cr. Offered autumn. Prereq., CHEM 371 372. Fundamental principles of physical chemistry and special applications. G 580 Advanced Graduate Student Research Seminars 1 cr. (R-10) Offered every term. Prereq., consent of instr. Formal oral and written presentations of research results and selected literature topics in a designated area. G 581 Chemical Biology 3 cr. Offered autumn even-numbered years. Prereq., consent of instr. Synthesis and structure of native and modified biomolecules such as antisense phosphothioate oligonucleotides, modified nucleosides and nucleotides designed for antiviral activity, and PNAs (protein nucleaic acids). Emphasis on the interaction of biomolecules and "small" organic and inorganic molecules and their chemical impact on native structure and function. G 585 Chemistry of Group V Atoms 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., CHEM 221-222 or equiv. Survey of the chemistry of nitrogen- and phosphorus-containing organic compounds. Includes synthesis, physical organic and spectroscopy, and applications to biology. G 593 Professional Project 3 cr. Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. G 595 Special Topics Variable cr. (R 9) Offered intermittently. Prereq., consent of instr. Experimental offerings of visiting professors, experimental offerings of new courses, or one time offerings of current topics. G 596 Independent Study Variable cr. (R 9) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. G 597 Research Variable cr. (R open) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. G 598 Cooperative Education Experience Variable cr. (R 8) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of department. Extended non classroom experience which provides practical application of classroom learning during placements off campus. Prior approval must be obtained from the faculty supervisor and the Center for Work-Based Learning. G 599 Thesis Variable cr. (R 6) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. G 630 Seminar 1 cr. (R open) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., graduate standing in chemistry or biochemistry, or consent of instr. G 640 Introductory Graduate Seminar 1 cr. (R-open) Offered autumn. Prereq., graduate standing in chemistry or biochemistry or consent of instr. Seminar to acquaint new graduate students with departmental research. G 660 Organic Chemistry Seminar 1 cr. (R open) Offered intermittently. Prereq., graduate standing in chemistry. G 670 Physical Chemistry Seminar 1 cr. (R open) Offered intermittently. Prereq., graduate standing in chemistry. G 697 Research Variable cr. (R open) Offered autumn and spring. Prereq., consent of instr. G 699 Dissertation Variable cr. (R 10) Offered autumn and spring. Faculty back to top Professors Richard J. Field, Ph.D., University of Rhode Island, 1968 Donald E. Kiely, Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 1965 Edward Rosenberg, Ph.,D, Cornell University, 1970 (Chair) J.B.A. (Sandy) Ross, Ph.D., University of Washington, 1976 Edward E. Waali, Ph.D., University of Wyoming, 1970 Associate Professors Mark S. Cracolice, Ph.D., University of Oklahoma, 1994 Michael D. DeGrandpre, Ph.D., University of Washington, 1990 John Gerdes, Ph.D., University of California, Riverside, 1982 Christopher P. Palmer, Ph.D., University of Arizona, 1991 Nigel D. Priestley, Ph.D., Southhampton University, 1991 Garon C. Smith, Ph.D., Colorado School of Mines, 1983 Trina J. Valencich, Ph.D, University of California, Irvine, 1974 (Adjunct) Assistant Professors Kent Sugden, Ph.D., Montana State University, 1992 Holly A. Thompson, Ph.D., Kansas State University, 1982 (Adjunct) Lecturer Edward J. Keller, B.A., San Jose State College, 1961 Research Associate Professors William R. Laws, Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, 1977 Robert Yokelson, Ph.D., Yale University, 1991 Research Assistant Professors Earle R. Adams, Ph.D., Montana State University, 1994 C. Sean Esslinger, Ph.D., Colorado State University, 1992 Brooke D. Martin, Ph.D., Dartmouth College, 1998 Emeritus Professors James W. Cox, Ph.D., Montana State University, 1969 Ralph J. Fessenden, Ph.D., University of California, 1958 R. Keith Osterheld, Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1950 Geoffrey N. Richards, Ph.D., D.Sc., University of Birmingham, 1964 John M. Stewart, Ph.D., University of Illinois, 1944 Forrest D. Thomas II, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1959 Wayne P. Van Meter, Ph.D., University of Washington, 1959 George W. Woodbury, Jr., Ph.D., University of Minnesota, 1964 59ce067264
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